Therapeutic Mentoring Night

Come find out a little more about therapeutic mentoring at our offices:
2955 Valmont Ave
Boulder, CO 80301

<date: TBD>



New Mom's Solidarity Group

Join Danni for a time with other new mom's.  Share in the joys and struggles that come with this new life experience.  Talk about what the world expects of you and who you really are in the midst of so much change.

Tuesdays at 6pm @ <TBD>

Breakup Support Group

Come talk to others going through your pain.  Did you partner leave you?  Did you have to end things because of emotional or physical abuse?  Are you crippled with the pain of grieving?  Join us for some solidarity and support.

Thursdays at 6pm @ <TBD>


Parenting support group

Trade notes with other parents who have done their absolute best, and want to continue leveling-up their parenting.  This is a group of grace and reality. 


Sub-alpine terrace and astonishing views

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